1) List The five M&S core principles
Quality, Value, Service, Innovation and Trust.
2) Decribe how (through the use of text and image) the 125 years of M&S ad represents these core ideas to audiences, through the use of text and image (500 words)
Throughout the history and still to the present day I see a running theme of beautiful and what you may consider an 'ideal' woman in Marks and Spencers advertising. With faces that incude Twiggy, Erin O'connor, Mylenne Class and Dame Shirley Bassy.
The Doris Day inspired advertisment for the first ever Marks & Spencer Christmas pudding in 1958 featured a typical 1950s house wife and the sterotypical view of a woman cooking in the kitchen for her husband. The woman is dressed quite smartly and is in a nice looking kitchen which tells me the target audience is a middle class or even higher class audience which shows what kind of company M&S wanted to be considered as at that time.
In 'the spring issue' ad the women are seen to be attractin gthe opposite sex but in a classy way. They seem domiant and powerful in comparsisson to the 50s ads. Also in the advert celebrating 125 years of M&s it describes the women as being 'liberated'. This is an undelining message and theme throughout M&S advertising and I think they want to celebrate the modern woman as sexy, independant and i control.
3) The Autumn 2007 Ad see's various beautiful women on- board the 'Orient Express'. Although it is a simple normal railway service it is closely associated with luxury travel and is somewhat fascinating.
This I feel is in close description of what Marks and Spencers want their clothes to feel like to women. The whole setting of the ad tells us of its quality and class and that M&S wants the women who wear their clothes and linqerie to feel luxourius and comfortable. I think this shows in the way the women in the ad hold themselves looking confident and comfortable to walk around just wearing linqerie.

4) The target audience in my view for M&S is for mums and families. I think parents know they can get good quality clothing that will last and at a reasonable price. I think it is a good family brand but through advertising it tells me it is pinpointing real women who want to dress in a classy and sophisticated way so more of a up market high street store at affordable prices.